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Main - Posts by Arisotura

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Posted on 01-08-12 12:02 PM, in How's the weather today? Link | ID: 1598
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Posted by KP9000
I just wish there was more of it. I love snooooooowwwwwwww!~

Same for me. Last year we had nice snow during December, and we almost got snow for Christmas (stupidly it molten just one day before). I'm disappointed by this year. Continually freaking hot temperatures (around 10°C) and shitty rainy weather.

Fucking global warming climate flattening. (after the absolutely shitty last summer we got, I have trouble believing in global warming).

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-08-12 12:07 PM, in CES 2010 Link | ID: 1599
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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That thing looks awesome. I like the concept of a flash drive within a Swiss knife, and I must say that I never saw flash drives offer more than 64GB, so I must say I'm amazed by its capacity.

However, the one thing they didn't mention is its price. I get the feeling that this thing isn't going to be cheap.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-08-12 07:35 PM, in Favourite colour Link | ID: 1682
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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All kinds of blue, closely followed by green.

That can be noticed irl, as I wear blue a lot...

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-08-12 09:55 PM, in What do you sound like? Link | ID: 1869
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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I'd probably sound like a Frenchie with a low-pitched voice.

My English speaking would be terrible, too. I don't speak English a lot, I'm probably much better at writing it... :P

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-08-12 10:06 PM, in rage Link | ID: 1874
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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I remember that when I was younger, with my sister and dad we'd play LAN games, and we'd use phones to communicate. Once, I was so pissed about losing, that I've dropped saliva in the phone, dumbly believing that I'd be transmitting a cold or something to my dad. All I got is parents getting really mad at me.

Otherwise, there's not much I can think of...

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-10-12 12:20 PM, in Silly childhood beliefs (rev. 2 of 01-10-12 12:22 PM by Arisotura) Link | ID: 2095
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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I had the usual child belief that a credit card gives infinite money.

I'd also believe that you could phone someone and magically hear what they say even if they don't have a phone and don't know they're being phoned.

What about you guys? Any silly childhood beliefs?

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-10-12 04:31 PM, in Silly childhood beliefs Link | ID: 2138
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Posted by Liliana
One thing:

There are those traffic lights which have buttons, and then there are the automatic ones. I thought for the latter, you had to hit the mast itself with the hand so they turn green.

Reminds me of this one. I'd think that jumping the lights would burn the red light out. That's because in French we say it 'griller un feu/griller le feu rouge', and when a light bulb burns out, we say 'elle a grillé'.

I also believed at some point that mixing fuel and water would make hot water. That was when I tried to imagine how a boiler worked.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-10-12 04:45 PM, in What'd you eat? Link | ID: 2146
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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If you exclude candy non-meal material, today I had a hamburger and French fries. Not bad :)

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-10-12 09:53 PM, in Silly childhood beliefs Link | ID: 2220
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Posted by Kiyoshi
Posted by mrjs booty butt mk iv
There was this futuristic show I used to watch growing up and the main character did this really cool spin thing of a gun with his fingers. I used to ask my dad if he could do it because he worked the same job. He told me he could, and I believed it. I'm pretty sure he practices it I don't know if he could do it. Anyways, that was a long time ago, and he died so it doesn't matter I suppose.
That's not only a Robocop reference, it's also off-topic as it is not a belief.

Posted by mrjs booty butt mk iv
He told me he could, and I believed it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I pretty much think that post is fine...

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-10-12 11:42 PM, in Silly childhood beliefs Link | ID: 2321
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Posted by aiolils booty rocking
I believed that the date line thingy only existed on one side of the earth.

I because of this believed that you could timetravel to the past by flying an airplane really fast past the line a ton of times.

Of course the opposite would be true if you flew in the opposite direction.

I was smart.

There's a hole in that reasonment. Crossing the line involves entering the other-side. Crossing it again will bring you to the 'normal' side. Because of that, you don't actually time travel.


Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-11-12 09:33 PM, in Change the private message icon colour to grey Link | ID: 2535
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Agreed here too.

Also, why does it need to be an icon? It's being kinda inconsistent with the rest of the links, and kinda breaking one of Acmlmboard's traditions to not be bloated with tons of useless icons, unlike other board softwares... well, one icon is fine, but no more. I don't want this board to look like a phpBB clone.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-11-12 09:36 PM, in Change the private message icon colour to grey Link | ID: 2538
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Nice idea. Heck, when you got new messages, it could even have an overlay being the number of unread PMs you have :)

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-12-12 11:38 PM, in ABΔ, or Delta, an OOP messageboard attempt Link | ID: 2711
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
This is a nice project. An Acmlmboard-like software with clean OOP code would be a nice thing. I mean, ABXD is already a nice thing, but this would be even nicer. Heck, it could be the next ABXD version, or something...

I'll be sure to help with it where possible. Of course, doing so will be easier when a repo is set up (if this is planned).

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-12-12 11:49 PM, in Whats your Nerd Cave look like? Link | ID: 2714
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Yep, that's a nice place. I especially like the computer desktop under the bed, feels like a little comfy geek nook or something :)

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-13-12 09:19 PM, in Themes (rev. 2 of 01-13-12 09:22 PM by Arisotura) Link | ID: 2786
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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I ported my site's theme to this board, if it interests anyone. It's basically a green night theme with Acmlmboard style.


The background isn't much visible in that screenshot, though. A live demo of the theme is available on my blog where the background should be more visible.

I'm open to any criticism on it. I know it's not much more than a cheap recolor of a standard Acmlmboard theme, with a recolored version of a night background I took from FilterForge. I suck at being original.

Edit- oddities in the screenshot occured when saving the page. Also images are lacking here and there because Firefox decided to ignore them when saving the page >_<

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-14-12 01:37 PM, in How's the weather today? Link | ID: 2843
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Same here, except it's 10°C. This, with birds singing and all, makes it almost Spring.

Now I'm torn apart. One side of me wishes there'd be snow, and the other side wants Summer.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-14-12 07:09 PM, in Old post's layouts Link | ID: 2866
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Next great idea: when you edit a post, the new post gets added under the old post! :P

Seriously, I'm not in support of this feature. If users get lazy and just reuse their old layout's stylesheet instead of making a new one, the old layouts break rather badly. As it has already been said, same problem with hosts disappearing (see AB archives), and such a feature would conflict with the NN-style sidebars (old posts would have a mix of the old layout and new sidebars, which could look quite weird).

Technically speaking, it's also causing a lot of bloat, since a copy of the user's header and signature has to be stored with each and every post. To make it worse, there are post edits, which create new posts_text entries, a feature AB1 didn't have.

On an administration point of view, it'd also make removing offending layouts harder. With the current method, all that has to be done is edit the user's profile, et voila. With the AB1 method, you'd need to edit each and every post made with the offending layout (or modify the board to filter it out, like Xkeeper does).

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-14-12 07:22 PM, in Silly childhood beliefs Link | ID: 2870
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Posted by GreyMaria
Did I mention that I once tried calling McDonalds thinking Ronald would pick up and deliver me a Happy Meal?

You watched too many McDonalds ads, dude :P

Once, while unplugging some device, I accidentally touched a metal part of the plug while it was still powered. No damage or injury was caused, but I would then believe that I was dead but still alive somehow.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-15-12 12:24 AM, in standby and hibernate Link | ID: 2898
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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I always hibernate my computer. I have several programs open, as well as browser tabs, and I'd be too lazy to reopen it all every day. Not to mention youtube tabs that automatically play as soon as they load, youtube cacophony is fun >_< (even more with a silly sister that laughs at what you listen to)

I got used to hit the power button to hibernate it. I have to do it that way because for some weirdass reason the little menu in the 'Stop' button won't list 'Hibernate'... may have to do with the ATI driver. I remember once seeing it when the driver wasn't installed yet.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-15-12 12:51 PM, in Your avatar (or custom title) Link | ID: 2957
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Mine originates from this NSMB wallpaper for no apparent reason.

At some point I photoshopped it, switching colors around, to make it look more 'terror'-ish or something...

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?
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Main - Posts by Arisotura

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