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Main - Posts by Arisotura

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Posted on 01-21-12 11:56 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 3654
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Green, red, blue, white, orange... my systray looks like Nyan Cat flied over there, uh.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-22-12 01:08 PM, in ABΔ, or Delta, an OOP messageboard attempt Link | ID: 3685
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Though, that method may be more expensive for MySQL as you're selecting from more tables, and having a subquery (though perhaps that can be rewritten as a GROUP BY or something).

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-23-12 09:41 PM, in The Answers~ (rev. 2 of 01-23-12 09:42 PM by Arisotura) Link | ID: 3785
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
1. What's your favorite season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) and why?
Summer, for the nice hot weather holidays. Then followed by Spring (cool weather, nature life resuming etc...) and Winter (snow :) ). Autumn and its crap weather are boring as fuck.

2. What's your favorite genre of video games?
I don't really have a favorite genre. Let's rather say that I enjoy Mario games, Minecraft, and others...

3. Retro or modern games?
Both. I'm not like one of those rotten spoilt brats that always want the newest and most edge-cutting technology, and think that old equals crap.

4. Are you on a laptop or desktop?
Desktop. Laptops are often less powerful, more subject to overheating, and of course less upgradeable. But on the other hand you can take them anywhere :P

5. What OS do you run?
Windows 32bit. I'd switch to 64bit so that I can have over 4GB of RAM, but finding 64bit drivers/software is a pain. As for Linux, I don't have a Linux alternative for every software I use.

6. What's your favorite movie genre?
Can't really answer. I can enjoy any movie as long as it's not boring as fuck or nonsense crap.

7. What brought you to Kafuka?
In #kawa, I heard Kawa ordering Cynthia to join #kafuka. I joined the channel out of curiosity. And found the link to the board in the topic. The board really felt like a real successor to Acmlm's Board to me, with the same persons, so I decided to join.

8. Do you have any siblings? If so, how do you like them?
Um yeah. However I don't really like sharing details about my real life.

9. Are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed.

10. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Vanilla. Followed by lemon and strawberry. Chocolate is nice too but I'm not a fan of it.

11. What was your first Acmlmboard experience?
Jul and Board2. That was back then in September 2008. After finding Youtube videos of NSMB hacks, I fell across Treeki's old website that linked to Jul (referred to as Justus League II) and Board2 (Acmlm's Board II).

12. What was the last book your read?
Can't remember. Reading books is not really my hobby...

13. What's your favorite webcomic? (links please)
Probably xkcd, though I haven't seen much...

14. What's your favorite midnight snack?
Pretty much anything that is edible. Mom's obsession for organic food can make it hard to find something actually worth eating at midnight. Also, I don't like to go to bed without having brushed my teeth first, which usually deters me from eating at midnight. Laziness uh...

15. Do you sleep on your front, side or back?
I can't tell actually. I usually don't fall asleep until a while, so I end up trying every position I can think of...

16. How do you deal with headaches?
Probably with aspirin like everyone else :P

17. What's your favorite food?
Can't really tell. Though, I love mixing molten milk and white chocolates. I also love everything with vanilla in it.

18. Are you a day person, or night person?
Probably a little of each. I usually go to bed late, but I don't like going to bed too late either, especially not during week. 'too late' is around midnight on week and 2-3AM otherwise.

19. Do prefer hot drinks or cold drinks?
Depends on the situation, really. Though, I don't like them fridge-cold because asfadfs sensitive teeth. Don't like them burning hot either, obviously.

20. What is your occupation?
Depends, really. Studying. Looking for threads to post in. Coding nonsense crap. Minecrafting. And others, too.

21. Do you travel? If so, what other countries/states have you been to?
We always go to Corsica for summer holidays. Otherwise, nope.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-24-12 06:23 PM, in Mapping the Acmlmboards Link | ID: 3837
Level: 84

Posts: 64/1868
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Terra didn't obtain the ABII from blackhole89, I remember asking him about that once. She probably obtained it from someone who had server access to Board2 at some point and only gives out to the Jul Club™. However now the board is closed.

Isn't the tRO board based off of this? Early, footerless Acmlmboard...

As for active ABI's, there are still a few other than Jul... Xeogaming (AB1.92++), to name one of them. The W (which persists to exist despite the total piece of shit its software is), Vizzed...

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-25-12 07:27 PM, in Suggestion for double posting Link | ID: 3950
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
When someone doubleposts (that is, replies in a thread where they have the last reply and replied since less than 24 hours or whatever the delay is), I say the board should append the new post to the latest one rather than creating a new post. The resulting post would be like an edit of the previous post.

This could be nice for threads like this one, where the poster keeps posting updates.

While we're at it, the doublepost restriction for normal users could be loosened or removed. And editing the latest post of a thread (including automerged doubleposting) could mark the thread as unread.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-26-12 05:43 PM, in Biggest Computer Problem Link | ID: 4011
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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I think my biggest problem was with some old computer motherboard I was trying to revive. All I could install was Win98, when trying to install anything else the install program would just freeze. I remember trying lots of stuff, spending days on it, all to no avail. And in the end it turned out that the BIOS was responsible for that. The motherboard was a Gigabyte motherboard with some crap Nec BIOS that was apparently buggy. Forcefully installing the latest Gigabyte BIOS fixed the issue.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-26-12 05:45 PM, in ABΔ, or Delta, an OOP messageboard attempt Link | ID: 4012
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
You've got a quote in your link-- [url] tags don't take quotes.

Also, why is it needed to have that $rounded variable when the theme can control border-radius and such by CSS?

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-26-12 05:46 PM, in How's the weather today? Link | ID: 4013
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Still the same boring crap. Freaking hot (~10°C) and cloudy/rainy. We were supposed to get snow this weekend, but nope. >:[

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-29-12 07:54 PM, in How's the weather today? Link | ID: 4236
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Temperatures are decreasing. We may get snow tomorrow or later. It's even supposed to fall to -8°C during night soon...

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-29-12 08:41 PM, in Suggestion for double posting Link | ID: 4240
Level: 84

Posts: 70/1868
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
Posted by Kiyoshi
The rules should be the same for this, for both normals and higher ranked because THIS IS NOT JUL YOU ELITIST BASTARDS I somehow feel things are not fair now.

Fun fact: Jul actually has no doublepost protection at all :P

In the worst cases, if you end up accidentally doubleposting due to a connection glitch, you can always edit your post to fix it...

As for doubleclicks on the submit button, I figured that browsers would prevent it? If not, one way to prevent double-submits would be catching the form's onsubmit event, and making it return false if it has already been triggered.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-29-12 08:58 PM, in This thread best viewed with Netscape 4.0 at 800x600 Link | ID: 4242
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
Last view: 259 days
I don't remember how the internet was pre-2000. Though, I remember some parts of my childhood:
* that good ol' simple Google search form
* trying to make websites with Word 2000. I still have some. God they look awful.
* also trying to make sites with Javascript. Terrible code. And dates back to the times where non-trivial JS had to be coded differently for each and every browser. Glad that some standards kinda ended that madness now.
* kids at elementary school were playing with Gameboy type consoles. Pokémon and such.
* at some point I got some old laptop. Windows 2000, 6GB HDD, non-3D video card, but I was happy. The first computer I got, that wasn't the family computer in the living room (turn off that computer kids, we wanna listen to today's dramatic news).

I fondly remember using some old Visual Studio to do HTML coding, after realizing that Word2000 was inappropriate. <font>, bgcolor, vlink, alink, etc... good times, good times. I still have the JS coding booklets I'd use back then. document.layers, document.all, etc... my JS code from those times looks like AB1.92's code :P

Posted by Liliana
websites actually had content instead of fancy graphics

One of the base concepts Acmlmboard has been following since its creation. :)

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 01-30-12 12:07 AM, in please don't post here, having such a huge backlog of questions scares me Link | ID: 4280
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Do you think that this type of threads could cause a spree like they did on Board2 once?

How terrible were my coding skills back then in 2008?

Do you eat snacks during night?

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 02-01-12 05:21 PM, in Change the private message icon colour to grey (rev. 2 of 02-01-12 05:22 PM by Arisotura) Link | ID: 4690
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Nice :)

However, I still wonder why the PM link has to be an icon. (one icon is fine, but I don't want it to become a trend over the board)

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 02-01-12 05:26 PM, in ABΔ, or Delta, an OOP messageboard attempt Link | ID: 4693
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Wouldn't such a change cause more load to MySQL by requiring it to parse subqueries select stuff from more tables?

However now, no more stuff like 'moving a thread doesn't update the lastpost links'.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 02-01-12 05:32 PM, in Change the private message icon colour to grey Link | ID: 4695
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Yeah but Neritic Net does have good features and bad features. The sidebars are a good feature for they allow more extended post customization, but icons serve no purpose other than trying to look like 'professional' software (yes, the same kind of software whose code is an unreadable mess. The simplest thing ever will go through 30 PHP files, each with its opaque layer of abstraction and mess.)

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 02-01-12 05:35 PM, in ABΔ, or Delta, an OOP messageboard attempt Link | ID: 4697
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Yes. Except that select subqueries are run on every index/forum view. Update queries are only run when you post, move a thread, or perform another action. Those happen less frequently than index/forum views.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 02-01-12 08:12 PM, in Change the private message icon colour to grey Link | ID: 4760
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Who gives a shit, as long as they work, I can't see any reason they'd get removed.

Erm, back on topic now? :)

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 02-01-12 08:17 PM, in the thread has farted Link | ID: 4767
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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yay, bandwagon This is a continuation of the old Board2 thread.

Go ahead and ask me anything. Keep it reasonable though, I'm not Chuck Norris so I can't answer everything.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 02-01-12 08:19 PM, in the thread has farted Link | ID: 4773
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Posted by Liliana
Why do you think people would ask you unreasonable questions? >_>

We never know, I'm sensing some crazy folks out there :P

Posted by GreyMaria
Is this an unreasonable question?

Not at all. It is perfectly valid.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 02-01-12 08:33 PM, in the thread has farted Link | ID: 4777
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Posted by Kawa
Dare I ask, am I unreasonable?

Who's the best pony?

* Not in the slightest. The world needs a Kawa or it's not the same!

* You're asking that to the wrong person. I'm too busy saving Peach or otherwise plumbing, to be caring about MLP. Or perhaps it's just that I'm not a brony.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?
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Main - Posts by Arisotura

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