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06-02-24 10:59 AM
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Posted on 06-11-16 11:45 PM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 90507
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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banned consoles would be kind of hard to detect prior to buying, though

unless you for example ask the seller to provide a pic of the console going online

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-19-16 11:03 AM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 90569
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Since: 01-05-12
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what kind of school gives you exams that late

good luck, anyway

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-19-16 11:25 AM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 90571
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Since: 01-05-12
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lotsa fun indeed

I was done with exams about 20 days ago... and was glad to be. I don't really care about the outcome of it (and I already know what it'll be anyway), I just wanted to be done, so that I could finally live.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-22-16 08:39 PM, in Moving out this summer. A fun adventure... Link | ID: 90605
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Since: 01-05-12
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Thanks for the advice. I should be okay as far as cash is concerned though, I have about 5000€ in savings.

Anyway, the adventure is going on. I had trouble finding the hotel, but eventually I did it. The hotel is in a remote place so I'll likely rent a car to get around.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-22-16 09:52 PM, in Happy Birthday Trel! Link | ID: 90611
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

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Happy birthday man! :D

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-23-16 03:42 PM, in Happy Britday! Link | ID: 90627
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Since: 01-05-12
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Happy birthday :P

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-23-16 08:58 PM, in your dreams Link | ID: 90635
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

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what I remember is... giving tips to a friend from my previous school, about how to get drunk best. Apparently eating and drinking gives good results but it's a double-edged sword, you have to be careful.


Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-26-16 03:10 PM, in Moving out this summer. A fun adventure... Link | ID: 90655
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Since: 01-05-12
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I feel like I'm wasting my time and money here. Neither my quest nor my presence are legit. And for every attempt I will make at getting an apartment, there will be better candidates, more deserving and more legit than me.

I have visits planned for tomorrow. If I get nothing good out of them, I'm giving up. I don't have the energy and will to continue this shit forever. I can keep saying that "I will feel better tomorrow", but it just keeps going down. I even have trouble motivating myself to get out of the room and go eat somewhere for dinner.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-27-16 12:48 PM, in the thread has farted Link | ID: 90665
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

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dunno about US sizes, but that's pretty big indeed :P

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-27-16 04:09 PM, in Moving out this summer. A fun adventure... (rev. 2 of 06-28-16 04:34 PM by Arisotura) Link | ID: 90667
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 720 days
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Well thanks!

That's some good advice too. Will also definitely help me build a decent social life :P

Either way, I'm likely going to be able to rent an apartment. Which makes me feel a lot better. I hate the feeling of seeing no way out.

I'll keep you guys updated on that.

now, as I have some free time, a fun readout of my adventure.

Tue 06-21: packing the most important shit in my big chest. I will have to come back 'home' later to pick up the rest.

Wed 06-22: waking up ass-early to get to the right train station. One bus and two trains later, I'm there. Early enough to get some food and all.

I notice they have luggage lockers, decide to use them in the waiting time. I was thinking it'd just be "find free locker, put chest in, get key/code, maybe drop a coin", but nope. They make my shit go through a xray scanner (so you may bring a bomb into the train but not into the lockers. interesting). The process is overall involved and they tell me that I wasted my money because I didn't stay long at all.

I get registered and board on the train. End up going backwards. lol

At around 2PM, I'm arrived. I still have to find the hotel. I don't know where to go and my phone's battery is almost dead. I plug it to my tablet to atleast keep it alive. Trying to figure out where to go, I realize I was headed for the wrong hotel, but no big deal. I eventually reach the right place, see a hotel. Finally, I'm there... or so I think.

I walk around under 25+°C heat, trying and failing to find the entrance for a while. I get there, enter and ask about my booking.

... wrong hotel.

The right one is on the other side of the nearby highway.

I walk around some more, trying to figure out where I can get to the other side safely. Following the most straightforward path isn't always a good idea. It got dangerous and I backed off.

Eventually found out the right path, with a ridiculous detour. During the adventure, a wheel of my trolley chest crapoed itself. Dragging it around under the sun and heat was no fun.

But eventually I make it to the hotel. Only took what, two hours :P

I don't do much beyond continuing my search for apartments.

Thu 06-23: I get in town, explore places, get a bike to get around without walking to town for ages.

Either way, I love the place. I've rarely been that active before.

It was mostly because I was stuck in that shithole with nothing. Any travel had to be carefully planned to get the busses, esp. in midday where there was only one bus per hour.

This place has everything you need. The weather is nice (as in, actual Summer). The tramway network gets you everywhere you need and operates almost all day long. Apparently there's even a shuttle that goes to beaches, I haven't checked it out yet though.

Fri 06-24: I get an opportunity to visit a shared flat. The place is pretty and the guy seems cool. Might work.

(there was another visit planned but it was cancelled)

Which is also when I tell my parents about my true plan. Obviously, they don't really enjoy the surprise. I apologize for it and explain that I wanted to avoid confrontations the day of my departure. I give them my reasons (without going "you suck and I can't take living with you anymore" :P ).

The argument pretty much drained my energy.

Sat 06-25: We all feel better. They got over the bad surprise and are willing to help me, which is fairly nice.

I get the result for Friday's visit: someone else was picked. No problem. I keep searching. I register to a site where landlords can contact you when they have flats for rent that match your criteria.

Sun 06-26: I get a call from a landlord who is an old fart and shoots me down because I don't instantly know everything at this time. That didn't help my self-confidence.

Nothing of interest during the weekend though. Some more visits booked.

Mon 06-27: first visit goes pretty well. Everything is okay, we start doing the procedure and all. I cancel the other visits, no real point anymore.

This also gives me the energy boost I so needed.

I bug my parents to send the required shit asap. Which they do. If all goes well, I can finally settle Friday.

Tue 06-28: nothing of interest. Buying some shit to fix the crapoed wheel on my chest.

there was also a point during the adventure where the Windows install on my laptop crapoed itself. It would just sit on a black screen and never do anything. Good thing I had Ubuntu alongside it.

the best part was when I started googling about the issue. All the answers were like "you're screwed, back up your shit and reinstall Windows!".

how I fixed it? I renamed hiberfil.sys from Ubuntu. Got the "Windows wasn't shut down properly" screen, then it booted fine.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-28-16 11:47 AM, in Happy Birthday Nicole! Link | ID: 90678
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

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Happy birthday! Have a special cake with cat ears :P

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-02-16 05:42 PM, in Moving out this summer. A fun adventure... (rev. 2 of 07-02-16 05:43 PM by Arisotura) Link | ID: 90738
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Since: 01-05-12
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the continuation and end of my adventure

Wed 06-29: hotel booking ends. I go to another hotel.

A real fun hotel. The bathroom looks like what you find in luxurious hotels... if you look at it from the right angle. Don't look at the ceiling.

Thu 06-30: nothing of interest. Setting up shit like insurance etc.

Fri 07-01: I get the keys to my new home. I start moving some of my shit there.

Sat 07-02: I finish moving. Goodbye crapo hotel. I can finally settle in my new home :D

It's not quite finished, but it's pretty good so far.

Thank you guys for your support and all! :D

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-04-16 05:39 PM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 90773
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

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good luck with that shit. It's real fun to drive with someone who's all ARGL!! SLOW DOWN!! DANGER!!! SAJDJKSJAS even if you're driving down a desert road with nobody else on it.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-05-16 12:40 PM, in Lunarboard - Rewrite of StapleButter's ABXD fork in Python3/Django/Wagtail with Bootstrap + ReactJS Link | ID: 90790
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Since: 01-05-12
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Posted by AileenLumina
Hm, I'm not really sure why you're stating that. I consider a coding language that is serious and powerful while also being relatively easy to learn "professional". :)

Just to name a few: Dropbox, Pinterest, Reddit and Quora are having their backends written in Python.

So? Facebook and Wikipedia are written in PHP. That means nothing.

I find it weird to call a language "professional". You use a language because you know it well and find it adapted to what you're aiming to do (and in that case, avoiding PHP is a good idea). Just don't be like those Javascript hipsters who try to slap it everywhere just because it's 'cool'.

Similarly, I find the concept of professional or non-professional code to be kind of dumb. What is professional code, code that follows today's trendy practices? Writing good code is choosing the right design strategies for your project and applying the coding practices that make the most sense. It's not about blindly applying the 'good' practices everywhere just because you can. Case in point, OOP-- if you use it where it makes sense, it helps making your code better, but using it everywhere is a terrible idea and turns your code into a big mess.

Just my two cents. I don't know how you code, but "professional code" and such sound like tech buzzwords to me.

Posted by Emuz
I would suggest the perm model Arisotura spec'd out for his later works, which isn't a flexible as AB 2.5 but isn't quite over the top and makes a lot of sense. It's more of a perm mask system instead of a database stored token system like 2.5. It's unfortunately not in anything public but it basically boils the style of 2.5 down to just the absolute core functions, and the ones that makes sense to split off. Than assigning that to groups using a hex flag system.

One flaw of my system is that it's not easy to make local mods (requires creating a specific localmod group to put users into, because users alone can't have more perms than what their groups give them).

Anyway, my system is simple but definitely not as flexible as the Blargboard one or the AB2.5 one. It's fine for me because I want simple things, but if you're going to make a forum software for public distribution, you should go for flexibility. A lot of the potential users will expect to be able to change things to their liking without touching code. Maybe this will be different in the Python scene, but dunno.

The way perms are stored (bitmasks) also makes it hard to hand-edit the DB (moreso than in Blargboard). The benefits are that it takes way less entries to store permissions, and it's also faster to compute the user's final perms. To make for the lack of DB human readability, the board has a generic permission editor. Also, DB readability shouldn't be a concern for a public board software, ideally you shouldn't require hand-editing the DB at all.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-15-16 05:29 PM, in Logging in doesn't work Link | ID: 90922
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

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login won't work if the board has errors/warnings.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-16-16 11:39 PM, in Lunarboard - Rewrite of StapleButter's ABXD fork in Python3/Django/Wagtail with Bootstrap + ReactJS Link | ID: 90938
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

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actually, my bitmasks ARE ints. Each bitmask int can only hold up to 32 bits though-- to make up for that, the code can handle multiple bitmask fields. If you ever need more than 32 permissions, you'd add another bitmask field to the perms table.

also, the number in tinyint(2) (or int field declarations in general) doesn't affect the length of the field. tinyint is always one byte, int is always 4 bytes, etc. The number only affects how the data is displayed in the MySQL console.

you can only specify a size for variable-size data types, like char or varchar.

granted, that's misleading.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-17-16 10:42 AM, in your dreams Link | ID: 90940
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

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I fail at remembering dreams these times, which sucks because they're still there and not completely boring :P

anyway, I remember...

last floor of my dad's parents' house. chasing a mosquito, and it escaping me.

things related to the computers they have, don't remember what in detail. It involved their circa-2003 Dell desktop that ran XP, and something like me getting it...

another scene in the kitchen, it has two dishwashers, one is in the spot where the table would be, the other is in another spot near the fireplace and that one is very old and very deep and apparently broken in some way. Talking with my sister about the dishwashers' front doors, they're made of the same kind of material as the surrounding furniture. But my sister says weird things, I don't understand. Then the old broken dishwasher eventually becomes a whole room (with a double sloped roof, as if it was a cabin) that serves some obscure purpose (drying up things??).

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?
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