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Main - Posts by Kawa

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Posted on 01-01-12 10:01 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 6
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Since: 01-01-12
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Oh come on, cat. Put your back into it!

Posted on 01-02-12 06:50 PM, in The Ragtag Bunch of Misfits Link | ID: 39
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Since: 01-01-12
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Name: Kawa
Age: NaN
Height: 2 meters
Weight: 100 kilos but actual mass is about half a ton
Hair: dark blonde to brown
Eyes: red

Kawa is for all intents and purposes a cyborg. Most of his body has over the years been replaced, and the replacements have "recently" been replaced by better parts. Most of his skeleton is now composed of a lightweight alloy, which cut his body weight in half.

Kawa always had an antigrav system running to cancel out his disproportionate weight. The controls have been rewritten from scratch -- it now has three modes, which take increasing amounts of energy: Economy, Stealth and Free Flight. In Economy mode, Kawa actually touches the ground. His footsteps can be heard (they couldn't before), and scales actually register a weight. In Stealth mode, just enough energy is expended to keep him off the ground completely, with no footsteps. Free Flight speaks for itself, taking more energy for difficult manouvers.

Being mostly inorganic has diminished his former magic affinity. To counteract this, he has proportionally increased the amount of hidden weapons. Kawa can now fire low to medium power energy beams from the palms of his hands. Putting his hands together in the typical Kamehameha gesture combines the beams into a single, more powerful beam that's harder to control. He has various sidearms hidden in his clothes and carries a katana at his side, made of the same alloy as his skeletal structure. Kawa also has two extending blades hidden in his forearms which slice through the skin when they pop up, with the pivot point at wrist level. In their extended state, the blades are at a mostly right angle with his arms and are good blocking tools. The blades can also be swung around into a claw-like orientation suitable for stabbing.

Any special technique or ability drains power while used. Kawa's energy levels recharge at a constant rate, slightly faster than a well-chosen mix of "always-on" abilities drains.

Kawa appears to have 360 degrees vision, but it's actually just some sensors (think radars and such) to generally tell where things outside of the usual visual range are up to two meters away. Kawa's eyes have infra- and darkvision. He cannot see invisible things, but can detect minute distortions that said things may cause. His vision is fine enough to discern hairline cracks from up close and detect traps.

Kawa is still a tentacle demon, with two tentacles extending from below his shoulder blades. They are often extended a short distance when idle, sometimes seen as a vague movement underneath his clothes. The tentacles still have three variable tips and the same range as before; two meters, 2.5 with more effort.

Kawa's clothes are still recognizable, but several sizes too large. This is both to conceal things and to make his new bishi looks a little disturbing.

The color of Kawa's eyes is the best indication of his emotional state, varying from nearly black to bright red, followed by increasing amounts of red "smoke" that tends to gather under the brim of his iconic pimp hat. In all cases, his eyes glow in the dark.

Kawa has a faint but noticable robotic flange in his voice, unless he takes special care.

Personal History
Kawa was born as a perfectly normal Pikachu on the outskirts of Viridian City in the Pokémon world, on an unknown date. At some point, he more or less died and was used in a project to create a super-Pokémon. He escaped, accidentally got whisked away to another world, had lots of misadventures and ended up altering his body into its current configuration

Having forgotten his early life in Viridian City, Kawa can speak and understand Pokémon "language" but is blissfully unaware of this fact, using it without thinking when happy. At some point, he came back to the Pokémon world (or something very much like it), which caused several deeply buried memories to surface. Kawa can only assume these memories are his own, and sometimes visits the Kanto region to try and learn more about his past. Meeting other Pikachu for the first time in what could (subjectively) be millenia was a very heavy experience.

Known Languages
All languages are accented unless stated otherwise.
  • Japanese (native)
  • American English
  • Pokémon speak (unwittingly)
  • Hylian
  • Romulan (broken)
  • Klingonese

  • Calligraphy
  • Singing
  • Tesla Coil music (without tesla coils)
  • Voice imitation
  • Swordfighting
  • Marksmanship
  • Spatial geometry

Special Moves
  • Remote Slap (magic, gesture) - From up to 1.5 meters away, causes the recipient to feel a forceful slap across the cheek. Gesture is a simple cutting motion with two extended fingers.
  • Recall Clothing (innate, gesture) - From up to 5 meters away, causes dropped clothing to fly back. Exactly which article(s) can be chosen at will. This only works on Kawa's regular clothes, which are actually parts of his body.
  • Mind Reading (magic, auto) - From up to 2 meters away, allows Kawa to know the basic intent of people.
  • Rule of Foo - Invoke the Rules of Cool or Funny to cheat the laws of physics. Can only be done so many times in short succession because of audience saturation, but at no power cost whatsoever.
  • Bullet Time - Slow down perception up to two linear levels, at quadratic power drain.
  • Glare of Doom - Simply a particularly mean look that would cause most people to get scared and go away.

Commonly Known Superpowers
  • Healing Factor - With an immense energy cost, Kawa can reconstitute his body from nearly a single cell. The more damage done, the longer it takes. This mainly due to necessary energy reclamation breaks and can be subverted by exposure to a suitable energy source.
  • Physical resistance - Kawa can take more hits than the average human before drawing blood.
  • Reflexes - Kawa can dodge manual fire. Rapid-fire is much harder, depending on the firing pattern.
  • Strength - Kawa can lift up to one ton with relative ease, which is not really very impressive.
  • Vision - As stated above, Kawa can see more than usual.
  • Immortality - Caused by the healing factor and manual replacement of most body parts.
  • Electric Manipulation - Well, DUH! This includes force field generation and energy blasts.
  • Dimensional/Time travel - At an incredibly high power cost, Kawa can travel to other worlds. For slightly less, he can travel through time. This is one of the main reasons his age is unknown.
  • Flight - As described above.
  • Strange Charisma (magic) - Causes target to see Kawa in proverbial soft-focus, sparkly vision.

  • The forearm blades mentioned above.
  • The tentacles can be used for bludgeoning and stabbing.
  • Desert Eagle (.50 Action Express)
  • Remington 870 shotgun
  • A length of rope
  • A metal baseball bat
  • A set of knives
  • A katana
All but the katana are hidden in his oversized clothes.

Hidden Power
Kawa used to be like a god, but got bored with his power. It also made him fearful of potential power-madness, so he shunted most of it into several orbs, which are stored in a vault deep inside his home. One of them has been powering his home's systems ever since.

Name: Cynthia
Age: 19 (mentally)
Height: 1,7 meters
Weight: don't ask
Hair: reddish brown
Eyes: golden brown

Cynthia is the direct result of Kawa's frustrated efforts to ease his loneliness. She was constructed from his own old parts and some new stuff.

Despite being based directly on Kawa's own technology, Cynthia does not possess any superpowers or special skills besides enhanced stamina and an uncanny aim with guns. She is intensely loyal to Kawa, but may need some training on certain social subjects.

Known Languages
Cynthia can speak American English and Japanese. She speaks with a noticable robotic tinge and somewhat clipped words.

Cynthia has not developed any special skills.

Special Moves
Cynthia does not have any special moves.

Cynthia carries a small knife and a Taurus Tracker .44 Magnum seven-shot revolver.

Name: The Homeship

The Homeship used to be a Japanese-influenced mansion stuck through the side of a small mountain surrounding an insignificant fishing village that Kawa lorded over as a benevolent but passive local god. At some point, he got bored with it and took the mansion up into high orbit, taking a sizable chunk of mountain with it.

The Homeship contains, among other things, a dimensional cartography system in the study room and a fairly powerful transporter system which keeps a constant lock on Kawa and Cynthia. Both can trigger the system with just a conscious thought to instantly transport themself up to the Homeship.

The Homeship has standard-issue propulsion systems stuck in the rocks and can be used to do orbital strikes. Various system controls can be manifested with a thought, though many functions are locked out for visitors.

Posted on 01-02-12 07:04 PM, in Friend Codes and Gamer Tags (rev. 2 of 11-29-12 04:05 PM by Kawa) Link | ID: 46
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Since: 01-01-12
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Why the heck not?

3DS: 2105-8686-2005

Gameloft (for MLP): Kawa_oneechan

Posted on 01-02-12 07:08 PM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 48
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Lately, I've been mostly playing Solitaire.

No, really. Solitaire. That and dogfooding my own creations.

Posted on 01-03-12 04:15 PM, in Layout thread! Link | ID: 132
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Posted by Kiyoshi
I will upload mine once ABXD/NeriTic-style layouts get supported
As I told you on the phone (and I'll repeat it here for public clarity), .mainbarX is supported, but the side and top aren't. This should gracefully degrade -- just look at mine.

Posted on 01-03-12 04:16 PM, in deviantART Link | ID: 133
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Underutilized account ahoy!

Posted on 01-04-12 12:53 PM, in So.. it's 2012.. Link | ID: 411
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The only thing my mom hates about it is that it's gonna be another twelve months until she can see it.

Posted on 01-04-12 02:37 PM, in No fun zone declared Link | ID: 424
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Fun fact: in the MLP:FIM episode "Luna Eclipsed", Princess Luna does not know what "fun" is. This is because, in actual fact, the word "fun" is only about 300 or so years old. Luna had been stuck on the moon for a thousand years. She most certainly knows what fun is -- just not the actual word.

Posted on 01-04-12 03:10 PM, in The Kafuka Photo Album Link | ID: 431
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=> Kawa: give the new board a disconcerting stare.

You spend the next couple of minutes pondering what you see.

Posted on 01-04-12 03:11 PM, in No fun zone declared Link | ID: 432
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Since: 01-01-12
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Best fucking video game song ever right there.

Posted on 01-04-12 03:19 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 436
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Since: 01-01-12
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Looks okay to me. A bit large perhaps...

Posted on 01-04-12 03:23 PM, in The Kafuka Photo Album Link | ID: 440
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I have stared disapprovingly so often my eyebrows are fused in that position.

Posted on 01-04-12 05:39 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 450
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Since: 01-01-12
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Posted by Kiyoshi
I always try to make my layouts look good on 1024 pixels of width, for netbook and tablet compatibility.
mSprout's layout does not seem to fit that (BTW do we have blocklayout?).
Yes, yes we do. You may thank me later.

Posted on 01-04-12 06:36 PM, in Your first experiences with computers Link | ID: 463
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Since: 01-01-12
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I've had a Betamax system in the house way back then 'round the time we also had an MSX. My first computer experience that I still have memories of was our hackintosh (a Lisa modded to run Mac Classic software). My first self-owned system was an Epson HX-20.

Posted on 01-04-12 06:42 PM, in The Kafuka Photo Album Link | ID: 468
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Since: 01-01-12
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Posted by knuck

Eh, I'mma go with around room temperature.

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